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A new website implies always a kind of reboot, a moment of reflection, a 'tour d’horizon’.

When we give our next new project a file number 724, it means we have indeed something to look back to. Some works we forgot, some became classics. But most of all, out of all of them we grew.

Over the last 25 ARTER years we became a solid and complementary team which proved being capable of handling the most complexe and delicate tasks. And we got rewarded for it. The integration of our different departments Architecture, Restoration and Town&Landscaping got acknowledged for taking a quit unique position in the field, in Belgium às abroad. We delivered ‘Bâtiments Exemplaires’, won prices and competitions, thanks to the added value of these crossovers.

In times where being flexible and lean became keywords we developed a management structure which stands the times of budget cuts and needed investments, outflows and new recruitments. Like a healthy football club we could profit from our young team members by letting them slowly grow into responsible positions; full blood ARTER breed. We’re very happy to hear the spontaneous positive comments of our clients in this evolution.

But time moves on, becomes more complex, and faster.

And so we prepare for it, and take a next step in our process of growth.

This new dynamic site is a showcase of what’s in front of us:

  • A higher level of integration of the departments throughout the intensification of our current MDF’s (Meet a Department on Friday). For this purpose we invested in a state of the art multi-media installation, in which all mobile content can be shared, exposed, dropped,… The filtered result will be brought on

  • Our monthly presentations of new products and techniques by producers and contractors will be completed by mini-lectures on new administrative and legal procedures, sustainable developments, site-cases, etc. For this purpose the website will contain a new agenda.

  • Our current Building Information Modeling (BIM) staff members will share their experiences with the rest of the team at regular office-seminars.

  • Our Archix administration software is being prepared to the next module level, with integrated data analysis, in order to detect asap any anomalies in the financial project balances.

  • A monthly essay on various topics will be posted by our different department managers. Coming up soon: « XLT, a new way of constructing in lightweight wood structure », « The history of De Grote Zalm, », « Arter in Africa », « Eco-Teco », « Le Botanique, a case study», … This collection of studies will be shared in the form of newsletters, posted on the new site, consultable to our staff, but also to our clients and guests after simple demand per mail.

  • The Arter foto-booth with our social events like Arter Waterski, Arter Cooking Class, Arter Minifoot,… seems highly popular out of office too, and so will be conveniently linked to the site.

Growing means not only from the inside, but also in the re-inforcement of our network of partners. In this matter I’m proud to announce our new privileged partnership with the famous Barcelona based OAB office.

The website is designed to show at a glance some ARTER highlights, and to be flexible. In a very short while we will add some new scoops at that banner. Stay posted!

Looking forward to all these new challenges,

Patrick Vonck - Johan Van Dessel - Marc Gemoets

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© 2024 by ÁRTER Architects

TVA-BTW nr: BE 0442.703.842

Orde van Architecten - Vlaams-Brabant & Brussel / visa nr: B400128

Akenkaai 51A - 1000 Brussel - BEL

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